Crystal Growth Phenomenon on Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode: Electrical and Spectroscopical Analysis

M.Nur1*, M.Z. Arifin1, L. Tambunan1, Z. Muchlisin1, P. Tryadiyaksa1, C. Anam1, and Kusminarto2
1. Physics Department of Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Sudarta 1, Semarang, Indonesia 2. Physics Department of Gadjahmada University, Bulak Sumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode was experimentally studied. Corona discharge was generated in two system electrodes such as: point to plane electrodes, and point to sphere electrodes. Plane and sphere electrodes have been made by liquid metal electrode (Mercury). Corona discharge has been generated by using direct current high voltage. The first aim of this research was to have a discharge glow plasma characteristic with point to plane electrode and the plane (or sphere) electrodes were liquid metal. The second aim was to observe an emission of corona glow discharge plasma. From this research, we found the crystal growth in plane (or sphere) electrode, and we consider that crystal growth observable fact as new phenomenon. The crystal growth has been found only for positive corona discharge and sign of growth follow the very intense electric field at the center point electrode. On the other hand, for negative corona discharge, crystal growth has not been generated. These phenomenon were visually recorded. Corona discharge characteristics were done by analysing spectrocopically and electrically both for plane and sphere electrodes as passive electrodes.
Key words: corona discharge, plasma, point to sphere, point to plane, liquid metal, spectroscopic.

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