Development of ozone technology fish storage systems for improving quality fish production
Muhammad Nur1*, Endang Kusdiyantini2, Tri A. Winarni4, Susilo, Maryam Resti1, Sosiowati Teke1, Zaenul Muhlisin1, Ade Ika Susan1, Fajar Arianto1, Wuryanti3, and Harjum Muharam6
1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics
3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics
4Department of Fishery Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
5Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
6Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Diponegoro
Semarang, Indonesia
Abstract-Development of ozone technology fish storage system (OTFIS) to maintain the quality of the fish has been done. Storage or ozone technology fish storage system (OTFIS) can be applied in the fishing boat, fish storage in the Fish Auction, fish storage where is used in land, sea, and air transportation. The research in this first year has produced a prototype that integrated by the fish container, ozone generator that use Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma (DBDP) technology. The components used in this technology are high-voltage power supply, plasma reactor, and containers entirely produced independently by University of Diponegoro. The ozone generator characteristics has been carried out and showed that ozone generator can produce ozone between 0.5 ppm to 12 ppm. The ozone concentration in the area is very suitable to be used in food technology. The ozonation treatment is performed on red tilapia representing the white-fleshed fish using ozone with concentrations between 0.5 ppm – 4.5 ppm. The test result showed organoleptic, fish TVBN with ozone treatment that still appropriate with SNI standards. Beside that, TPC testing has been done on the red tilapia showed that the higher the ozone concentration the smaller the remaining of bacteria colonies. Similarly, for a variable of time, the longer the exposure to ozone the less the remaining of colonies. The results of this study have been adapted for use in the realization of OTFIS for field with a size of 50 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm (250 liters) and can accommodate as much as 100 kg of fish.
Keywords: fish, storage, quality, plasma, ozone