Koreksi Tekanan Gas Ideal untuk Plasma sebagai Materi Fase ke empat dan Penerapannya pada plasma Argon
Muhammad Nur
The calculation analytically have been made to obtain the formulation of pressure for plasma. Non-quantum approach calculation was done by using thermodynamic functions in a gas such as entropy, enthalpy, Helmholtz free energy, Gibs free energy and partition functions of particles in plasma. The formulation obtained was used to determine the pressure in the corona plasma high density argon and argon microwave plasma at the beginning of an atmospheric gas pressure. The results obtained that the difference between hot gas pressures to the pressure of plasma is ΔPplasma = 1/24π Pgas. where the pressure of plasma is smaller than the hot gas pressure. By implementing on corona plasma high density argon, we found that plasma pressure has been changed in a parabolic form with changement of density and changement of pressure in linear against plasma temperature.
Key words: Plasma. Hot gas, pressure, thermodynamics, free energy, argon, density, termperature
Berkala Fisika Vol. 12 , No. 4, Oktober 2009, hal 161 – 170
ISSN : 1410 – 9662