Pemanfaatan Plasma Non Termik dalam Upaya Pengendalian Laju Polusi Udara Akibat Emisi Gas Kendaraan Bermotor Bermesin 2 tag

Ari Sugiharto. SL, Rasito, M.Nur dan A. Suseno

The research of removal COx, HC emission gas using non-thermal plasma with out addĀ the additive gas has been carried out. In this research, plasma was produced in a reactor glowĀ discharge corona with multi-points to plane configuration and wire to plane configuration. The gasĀ emission from the machine were injected in reactor and was change to become phase plasma usingĀ DC voltage with power 0,1 watt. In phase plasma, the species of plasma such as; ions, energeticĀ free radical and energetic electrons were created in reactor. Ions and energetic free radical wereĀ entranced in reaction and this condition can to remove emission gas COx , HC and it producedĀ other compound. Verify residues using FTIR. So reduction efficiency between 70 ā€“80 %.

Keyword : Plasma Non- Thermik, Reduction, 0,1 watt
Berkala Fisika Vol. 7, No. 3, Juli 2004, hal 103 – 110
ISSN : 1410 – 9662