ASEAN Member States Seeks to Reduce of Post-harvest Food Losses below 30%

Bogor of West Java (B2B) – Indonesia offers ozone technology to reduction of post harvest losses of chili under 15%, chili losses on average 30% to 40%, it was presented by Indonesia in ASEAN cooperation projects, the ASEAN PHL-Project, to share knowledge and experience in postharvest technology applications, the goal is to reduce PHL at the […]

Study of Energy Saving for Fish Preservation by Refrigeration System Based on Ozone Technology

Muhammad Nur, K. Sofjan Firdausi, Ade Ika Susan, Andi Wibowo Kinandana, Saifur Rijal, Eva Sasmita, MelizaPuspita, Yuliani, Intan Zahar, Eko Yulianto, Fajar Arianto, and Azwar Usman Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia Faculty of Fishery and Marine […]

The Effect of Debye Sphere Potential on Electron Scattering by Ions in Tokamak using Born Approximation

Achmad Fajar Putranto, Muhammad Nur, Asep Yoyo Wardaya Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia Abstract Scattering in plasma is caused by Debye sphere potential effect in the aftermath of the changes in plasma species density to form Debye sphere. In Debye sphere, the scattering of electron by ions occurs […]