The Study of Electrohydrodynamic and Wind Ions Direction Produced by Positive Corona Plasma Discharge
M. Nur, A. H. Azzulkha, M. Restiwijaya, Z. Muchlisin, and Sumariyah
The Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) produced by positive corona plasma discharge has been studied. This research used type of electrodes configuration wire to plane electrodes geometry system. Wire electrode that was used is made from stainless steel with 5 cm in length and diameter variation from 0.11 mm to 0.38 mm. The plane electrode that was used has circumference shape with diameter of 20 cm. The data acquisition curried out with variations of voltage, distance between electrodes and the variation of wire electrode diameter. EHD phenomenon analysis was studied by current measurement, minor pivot of deformation changes and the reunification time of lubicant oil after switch of external power or electric field. The characteristics of I-V was formed parabolic ((Is≈V2). The results also showed an inverse relation between current and geometry factor. We found that the value of characteristic angle of ionic wind flow direction was depending on field electric value and geometry factor. The deformation of lubricant surface returned to its initial condition after cut off the electric field with time returnee depended on the minor pivot deformation.
Keywords: electrohydrodynamic, ion wind, positive corona discharges
Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, Vol.30, 2014
ISSN 2224-719X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0638 (Online)