Reduction of ammonia with Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma in chicken coop

R Saputra1, E Yulianto2, A Z Zain1, E Sasmita2, M Restiwijaya2, A W Kinandana2, F Arianto1,2 and M Nur1,2

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1 Physics Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang

2 Center for Plasma Research, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, SemarangCitation

R Saputra et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1153 012087


This study discusses the reduction of ammonia using plasma technology. Ammonia is one of the waste produced from farms, especially poultry farms that have many negative impacts such as foul odors and very irritating properties for the body. Plasma is ionized gas caused by high energy discharge and can be categorized into the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gas. The plasma technology used is generated by DBD reactor (dielectric barrier discharges) cylinder-cylinder configuration. The inner and outer electrodes use 20 cm long stainless mesh material and a glass barrier with length of 22 cm. The reactor is tuned on by an AC voltage source ranging from the smallest voltage 3 kV to a voltage 9 kV with flow rate of 0.82 L / min, 1.06 L / min, 1.18 L / min, 1.41 L / min and 1.64 L / min. From the measurement using ammonia MQ-135 sensor obtained value of ammonia concentration after treatment. The highest percentage reduction of ammonia gas concentration is at 9 kV with flow rate 1.64 L / minute that is 61.98% while the lowest reduction value at 3 kV with flow rate 0.82 L / minute is 21.69%. This study prove that plasma technology can reduce the ammonia.

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